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White Thai balm with Lemongrass (Kongka herb) - 50g.
the white-colored Balm with lemongrass is a balm based on Lemon grass. Has a slight warming effect and a relaxing effect. Unlike other Thai tiger balms, the lemongrass balm has a very pleasant citrus aroma balm is made from an ancient recipe, in its composition of natural oils and plant extracts.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 182 g
Yellow gold Thai Kong balm with ginger (Kongka herb) - 100g.
Kongka balm has such a warming effect, like green and red balsam, but first slightly heats and then cools a little, in its composition contains ginger mountain, proven effective analgesic for tumors, also reduces inflammation. Ginger is used in different types of pain, ginger also helps to relieve fatigue in the muscles.
Availability: in stock
Net: 100 g
Gross: 292 g
Yellow gold Thai Kong balm with ginger (Kongka herb) - 50g.
Thai yellow balm - this balm helps to get rid of bruises and hematoma, eases muscle tension. The balm has a very relaxing scent. This balm is one of the most popular balms.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 185 g
Yellow gold Thai Kong balm with ginger (Kongka herb) - 50g.
Kongka balm has such a warming effect, like green and red balsam, but first slightly heats and then cools a little, in its composition contains ginger mountain, proven effective analgesic for tumors, also reduces inflammation. Ginger is used in different types of pain, ginger also helps to relieve fatigue in the muscles.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 165 g
Yellow gold Thai Kong Phlai balm  (Kongka herb) - 50g.
Thai yellow balm - this balm helps to get rid of bruises and hematoma, eases muscle tension. The balm has a very relaxing scent. This balm is one of the most popular balms.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 185 g
Green Thai body balm MHO-LANG (Kongkaherb) - 50g.
the Balm "Salet Phangphon" relieves tension from tired muscles, resolves bruises, the scent will help you relax. During the massage you feel a warming effect, then cooling. Balm also helps reduce swelling from insect bites, removing pain and irritation.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 182 g
Thai yellow Plai Balm on the basis of turmeric (Kongka herb) -50g.
Thai yellow balm Plai based on turmeric - a great tool for grinding of muscles and joints, chronic fatigue, pain, sprains, when chondrosis, sciatica, intercostal neuralgia, recovery after injuries and fractures. It also accelerates the resorption of hematomas.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 165 g
Andrographis Paniculata From Viruses (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Andrographis paniculata has a wide range of biological activity and is widely used in Thai folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases. angina inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis) with bronchial asthma influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, acute respiratory infections sinusitis, sinusitis upper respiratory infections herpes cough and bronchitis immunosuppression prevention of infectious complications normalization of the immune status in the postoperative period herpes zoster shingles human papillomavirus with liver disease, jaundice
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
BB Maxx2 Big Brother Thai Viagra 45 tabl.
Thai Viagra
$95.00 $90.00
Availability: in stock
Net: 80 g
Gross: 95 g
Boraped Cold Capsules Tinospora Cordifolia (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Known anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. Stops the development of bacterial flora and relieves inflammation.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Capsules Noni (Noni) Broad Spectrum Immunomodulator (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
A multifunctional remedy that restores and nourishes the body. The noni fruit extract contained in these capsules contains a large amount of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals, as well as a significant amount of amino acids.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Capsules Senna Laxative (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Senna Alexandrina Capsule (Mho-lang Brand) Kongka Herb The capsules act as a mild laxative and diuretic. Senna causes chemical irritation of the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, reflexively enhances peristalsis, which leads to faster emptying of the intestine, restores its normal functioning, ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Ceylon Cinnamon For Normalizing Sugar Levels (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Kongka Herb Cinnamon Capsules are a natural product for normalizing blood sugar levels and for general health improvement.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Cissus Quadrangularis (Mho-lang Brand) (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Pet Sang Khat - a remedy for varicose veins and hemorrhoids, improves blood composition, increases the rate of recovery of any connective tissues, helps relieve pain and inflammation.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Garlic Odorless Capsules Garlic Extract (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Natural capsules Garlic Capsules is an organic antibiotic, prevention through which will help prevent many seasonal diseases, strengthen the immune system and restore the body.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Kidney Treatment Capsules Cat Whiskers (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Cat's whisker, or Orthosiphon aristatus, improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, treats kidneys, prostatitis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and also removes stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, dissolves salts and eliminates gout, normalizes blood pressure.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Kongka Herb Korean Ginseng Extract (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps
Ginseng is a plant that has a general tonic, tonic and psycho-stimulating effect on the human body, since ancient times it has been known for its healing and tonic properties.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Kra Chai Dam For Men's Health Kaempferia Parviflora (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Black galangal (other names Kra Chai Dam, Thai ginseng, Kaempferia Parviflora) is a medicinal plant that is actively gaining popularity outside of Asia, where Kra Chai Dam has already established itself as a first-class herbal elixir for men that can not only increase sexual strength, but also maintain tone, vigor and overall health.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Lingzhi (Reishi) Capsules (Kongka Herb) - 60 caps.
Lingzhi Mushroom, aka Reishi Mushroom, "Mushroom of Immortality", or Lacquered Polypore (Ganoderma lucidum), is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for over 2,000 years since the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Ganoderma lucidum is a very valuable medicinal plant. In China and Asian countries, the Lingzhi mushroom is the "God of Life" (Spiritual Essence), which has amazing power. Reishi prolongs life, improves the skin, nourishes the body, treats various diseases, and does not have a toxic effect on the body.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Momordica Charantia (Bitter Cucumber) For Diabetes (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Capsules Bitter Cucumber in Asian medical practice are widely used in the treatment of diabetes. This drug will help normalize blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels in the body, promotes the production of insulin
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Murdannia Loriformis Oncoprotector (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Capsules are designed to cleanse the lymphatic system, destroy cancer cells, normalize sugar levels, and eliminate cholesterol plaques. Murdannia Loriformis is also used in Thai medicine to treat the upper and lower respiratory tract, improve immunity, and relieve bronchial asthma.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Natural Viagra For Men Butea Superba (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Butea superba (Thai name KAWAL KLUEA DANG or KWAO KRUA DANG) is a drug for men based on several Thai plants, which in turn work not only as Viagra, but also as a tonic, aphrodisiac, improve mood, give strength and energy, serve prostatitis prevention.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Pain Relief Capsules for Pain in the Joints and Muscles (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
2865 grams of capsule powder contains: Thai black pepper (Pepper nigrum Linn) - 600 gr. Derris climbing (Dirris scandens) - 150 gr. Cloves (Clove) 600 gr. Cryptolepis Buchanan (Cryptolepis buchanani) - 150 gr. Plumbago pink (Rose-colored Leadwort) - 150 gr
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Phytopreparation For the Treatment of Diabetes Capsules Khaam (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Phytopreparation for the treatment of diabetes mellitus - Haam
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Phytopreparation Jiaogulan fortifying agent (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
The plant - has such a long list of rejuvenating properties that in Thailand they call it "immortality" herb, Jiaogulan is especially useful in building the natural resistance of the body to stress, which in modern life occurs at every turn. The amazing effect of Jiaogulan has on cardiovascular health ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 25 g
Gross: 61 g
Pueraria Mirifica Breast Enlargement Capsules (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Preparations based on the plant Pueraria Mirifica (Pueraria Mirifica) are becoming more and more popular among women, as they are able to tighten the skin, improve its quality, and also enlarge the breasts, making them beautiful, firm and toned. Pueraria is a natural estrogen.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Sea Holly Allergy Dermatitis Treatment Lymph Cleanse (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
The drug Sea Holly (Sea Holly) is intended for the removal of allergic rashes on the skin, as well as for the treatment of infectious and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
Slimming Black Pepper Capsules (Kongka Herb) - 100 caps.
Prick Tai Dam black pepper capsules are designed to cleanse the body, remove toxins, flatulence, for weight loss, improve blood composition and normalize blood pressure. The main component is a special type of black pepper growing in the jungle (Compound Pepper). Weight loss occurs by cleaning the body of toxins and fecal stones, removing excess water, and burning fat due to pepper.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 95 g
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